If you're looking to get started with NotesVilla then our series of starter blogs are just for you... and what better place to start than uploading your first note (so you can start earning those £££s and rewards right away!)
It's just 3 simple steps and you're done!
Create a seller's account in under a minute, set the price for your documents, and BOOM! -- happy uploading!
To begin uploading your first note, press the top of the navigation bar and locate the upload form. Select the Upload Notes form and review the mandatory and optional fields to describe your note in further detail.
Check your email for confirmation that your note was successfully uploaded to your account and wait for approval.
All notes are carefully reviewed by our editing team please wait for approval, rejection, or any possible corrections. Your document will be marked as “In Review” until our editing team has authenticated your information. A green check mark and the word “approved” will appear when your materials have been successfully reviewed and ready to be downloaded.